The Power of Confession

What is your confession?

What words fill your heart & then proceed from your mouth?

That confession is powerful.

So often I forget the power of my tongue, my words.

I discovered early on in life that the saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” was a lie.

Words have hurt me, deeply.

Words are powerful- this we cannot deny.

Look at the outrage against bullying- words affect us…to our deepest core.

Most bullying is all about the confession of the tongue; that which proceeds from one’s mouth.

I remember well the days of being bullied and all of it was through spoken word, horrible names thrown at me day after day.

Words that tried to break me down, to cut me deep and leave me wounded.

What if I had believed the hundreds of lies being thrown at me over and over again?

What if I had chosen to allow them to dictate my future?

What if?

Thankfully God rescued me from myself.

One time He even gave me a vision of Him lifting me out of a dumpster as He tore the negative labels off of me and made me a NEW CREATION {2 Corinthians 5:17}.

But I don’t believe bullying is the epidemic it’s made out to be- WORDS are.

What we say about others and ourselves matters.

Imagine a world of people who chose to speak Life, Hope & Love everywhere they went. Imagine the outcome…no, REALLY- IMAGINE the outcome.

Beautiful isn’t it?

Not impossible either.

We’ve all heard that the tongue has the power of life & death- that couldn’t be truer. {Proverbs 18:21}

This is not the time to use our words frivolously or without purpose.

Our words have power, destiny for good or evil.

And this goes for every generation alive on the planet today- the power of our confession goes beyond the natural.

Nearly every word we speak is some form of prophecy.

God is unleashing a NEW language, a NEW sound.

Revival language.

Transformative language.

This new language, this new sound will be one that is heard throughout the earth. One that delivers HOPE, sets captives free and unleashes LOVE that breaks every chain.

This new language will loose LIGHT into the earth and cause darkness to flee.

What we confess with our mouths so it will be; our tongues must be guarded, but first our hearts.

For we know that “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” {Matthew 12}, therefore it is imperative that we guard our hearts- all that we allow in and all that we allow to fester there.

For our thoughts will become words and then our words will become action.

This new language is one birthed out of intimacy with the Father.

Do you hear it?

I do.

It’s been stirring on the inside of me for quite some time.

Not only in me but also in many others around the world.

There is power in our confession.

Your voice, my voice- they matter.

What will you choose to confess?

It’s up to each of us to decide.

Don’t miss the NEW.

4 thoughts on “The Power of Confession

  1. Am just in love with this post. By his grace, am part of that army God is raising this endtime to help change the language of mankind so that our words can be like the words of jesus who would speak words of love instead of hate, light instead of darkness and encouragements in place of discouragement. Hey, i have a blog dedicated to this subject, hope you wouldn’t mind visiting it? Can i add you on my friend’s list on facebook?

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